2014-01-13, 03:34
Some news from the battery, in another circunstances. Yesterday, I reboot the phone, make sure that nothing is running (wifi, Bluetooth, data connexion, ..) and plug it, to refilled the battery.
This morning, I unplugged it and put it in my poket, and used it as a "silly phone" (in opposition to "smart phone" ).
This evening, my battery drained down to ... 98 % !!! Only 2% burned for the whole day (the Deep mode has been used, this time).
There must be something I did wrong on the previous day, but still do not know what !
So the battery seems as good as the whole phone, indeed !
Some news from the battery, in another circunstances. Yesterday, I reboot the phone, make sure that nothing is running (wifi, Bluetooth, data connexion, ..) and plug it, to refilled the battery.
This morning, I unplugged it and put it in my poket, and used it as a "silly phone" (in opposition to "smart phone" ).
This evening, my battery drained down to ... 98 % !!! Only 2% burned for the whole day (the Deep mode has been used, this time).
There must be something I did wrong on the previous day, but still do not know what !
So the battery seems as good as the whole phone, indeed !