2017-02-07, 02:27
(2017-02-07, 01:28)oleg01 Wrote: Hi,
That's another possibility, sure. In any case if the SP Tool always worked fine before when the phone "opened" the connection through the power button press and now it doesn't the problem lies on the phone.
Or maybe you don't need to press the power button of the phone on a 64 bit computer with either Linux or Windows to start flashing?
Exactly !
"SP Tool always worked fine" until you have decided to do a terrible experiment !
I do not know if the live versions of Linux are able to run well SP Flash Tool.
I have installed Linux OS in a hard drive and Windows OS in another hard drive.
SP Flash Tool on Linux OS needs a process of preparation.
Do you have installed "Java SE Runtime Environment" ?
Do you have installed "android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot" ?
Do you have set the "51-android.rules" (51 on my distro) ?
Do you have set "groupadd plugdev" and "useradd -G plugdev" ?
Do you have installed "sudo apt-get install rar" and "sudo apt-get install unrar" ?
Do you have installed "sudo apt-get install libusb-dev" ?
Do you have set "chmod +x flash_tool" and "chmod +x flash_tool.sh" ?
Do you have set "sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-usb.rules" ?
Do you have set "sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/20-mm-blacklist-mtk.rules" ?
Do you have set "ATTRS{idVendor}=="0e8d" ?
Do you have set "ATTRS{idVendor}=="6000" ?
Only after all these setting ... you will be able to start SP Flash Tool on Linux OS :
cd Desktop
cd SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Linux_vXYZ
sudo ./flash_tool
Keep in mind that "Miracle Box" is mostly used to make stock firmware.
Artemisia (Eva Green) on "300: Rise of an Empire"