2016-12-03, 00:24
Приветствую всех. Помогите разобраться с прошивкой этого телефона. Флештул прошивает телефон без проблем, но IMEI отсутствуют и не прописываются вновь. SIM-карты не определяются. В скачаной прошивке три файла рекавери: A850S_140605__recovery_140719-225738.img ; factory_NONmodified_recovery.img ; recovery.img Какой из трех указывать во флештуле? Модуль связи так же не прописывается, как его прописать? Заранее спасибо за ответы
Greetings to all. Please help me with the firmware of the phone. Fleshtul sews phone without problems, but the IMEI no and do not register again. SIM-card is not detected. In the downloaded firmware file three rekaveri: A850S_140605__recovery_140719-225738.img; factory_NONmodified_recovery.img; recovery.img Which of the three quoted in fleshtule? The communication module is also not prescribed, how to register it? Thanks in advance for your answers.
Greetings to all. Please help me with the firmware of the phone. Fleshtul sews phone without problems, but the IMEI no and do not register again. SIM-card is not detected. In the downloaded firmware file three rekaveri: A850S_140605__recovery_140719-225738.img; factory_NONmodified_recovery.img; recovery.img Which of the three quoted in fleshtule? The communication module is also not prescribed, how to register it? Thanks in advance for your answers.