like i said, there is an alternative solution on x..d..a...developers,
google search terms: mtk random changing mac - Giz' is top ranked, the x..d..a.. one is 4th or so.
check it out if that solves it for you.
just in case if you cannot find it -
i copied this from the thread on the forum i mentioned... so its not my work and not my responsibility ok? -
credit goes to chiragjn
1.Download MTK Engineering Mode shortcut app from play store (or use codes)
2.Turn Off your Wifi .Open MTK Engineering Mode shortcut app and Click MTK Settings
3.Swipe To Connectivity Tab.
4.Click Wifi
5.Click NVRAM
6.In Byte String Access put values as
addr(h,byte) : 4
length(byte) : 6
7.Click Read. The 12 Digits shown in value(h) field is your current wifi mac address.Better make a note of it.
8.Erase the value(h) field and now put your own 12 digit mac address,
1.Should be 12 Digit long only
2.Should have hexadecimal characters only (0-F)
3.Second digit of mac address should be Even Digit only (0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or A or C or E)
valid example - 0205160F0A3E
invalid example - 016GEABCDF59
9.Click write.
10.Exit to Home, Turn Off and turn On your Wifi Again.
11.Now Check your Wifi mac address in Phone Status.It should be Changed to what you entered in Step 8.
12.To get back your original Mac address, repeat the process with original Mac address value.
google search terms: mtk random changing mac - Giz' is top ranked, the x..d..a.. one is 4th or so.
check it out if that solves it for you.
just in case if you cannot find it -
i copied this from the thread on the forum i mentioned... so its not my work and not my responsibility ok? -
credit goes to chiragjn
1.Download MTK Engineering Mode shortcut app from play store (or use codes)
2.Turn Off your Wifi .Open MTK Engineering Mode shortcut app and Click MTK Settings
3.Swipe To Connectivity Tab.
4.Click Wifi
5.Click NVRAM
6.In Byte String Access put values as
addr(h,byte) : 4
length(byte) : 6
7.Click Read. The 12 Digits shown in value(h) field is your current wifi mac address.Better make a note of it.
8.Erase the value(h) field and now put your own 12 digit mac address,
1.Should be 12 Digit long only
2.Should have hexadecimal characters only (0-F)
3.Second digit of mac address should be Even Digit only (0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or A or C or E)
valid example - 0205160F0A3E
invalid example - 016GEABCDF59
9.Click write.
10.Exit to Home, Turn Off and turn On your Wifi Again.
11.Now Check your Wifi mac address in Phone Status.It should be Changed to what you entered in Step 8.
12.To get back your original Mac address, repeat the process with original Mac address value.
my phones current and past:
Brand phones:
Brand phones:
- Samsung Galaxy Apollo/Leo/3 - retired, 2x Samsung Galaxy S - gone, Samsung Galaxy Note - stolen , Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos - retired
- Samsung Galaxy S3
- Samsung Galaxy S4 black edition (work issue)
- Pinphone 3 (never received), Smarty A8 (MTK6515 HTC Chacha clone), iNew V3 - sold
- Xiaomi Redmi 1s - Wife's daily driver
- Xiaomi MI3 64GB with MagicSim on dual bootMIUI v5 (4.8.22) /CM11
- ZTE Open (FirefoxOS) - now running ICS! -retired from duty.