I've tried different 2g simcards on both slots (microsim and normal sized simcard slot) and non of them worked.
(2014-03-18, 17:42)cityfun Wrote: Waiting for the Ultimate version from GizBeat
I hope he doesn't include that partion mod in it , this time, that mod made my internal storage format every day, and if you read this thread carefully you know what other problems , it caused me .
(2014-03-18, 17:43)Quad Wrote: If you are on 1.0.7 i think you are not needed to flash update.zip because this one is meant to flash trough CWM and the other one is meant to flash by Flashtools.
You have root privileges?
seriously ?? I'm not that dumb ok?
first I rooted it with one of gizbeat's methodes (rootmaster.exe) and it said my device was rooted successfully then I tried about 5 times with some different methodes to install CWM on it , and they all failed,
Then I thought to mysekf that It wasn't rooted with that software, then I tried Vroot, and also this one claimed that my device is has root access. then again I wasn't able to install CWM .
Now I don't know whether the recovery.img file is not compatible with this rom , or it's not rooted successfully.
I used google translator to translate the change log text which was included.
here's the result:
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B07 Software Release Notes
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B07 Software Release Notes 1
Version History 2 1
2 software modification record 2
3 Engineering Command List 2
4 materials compatible Description 2
A version history
Internal and external version number Version number of the person in charge release date version uses
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B01 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.0 Zeng Tao
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B02 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.2 Zeng Tao
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B03 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.3 Zeng Tao
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B04 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.4 Zeng Tao
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B05 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.5 Zeng Tao
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B06 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.6 production Zeng Tao 20140311
CHUANGXINQI-EN-INEW-QB15AFD-S539-6582V1.0.0B07 cxq_v3_inew_v1.0.7 production Zeng Tao 20140315
2 software modify records
No. severity of the fault belongs modules / demand describe whether through self-test
1 A large power consumption is charging IMX
2 A TP Home key is insensitive
3 A FactoryMode fit into the ATA test whether
4 A driver update any driver
3 Engineering Command List
Whether to order custom command sequence number corresponding self-test use by
A query external version number: * 983 * 32 #
2 queries Build Number : * 789 * 1 #
3 single test list * 983 * 0 #
4 function self-test : * 086 * #
5 queries calibration flag and plate number : * 983 * 7 #
6 check IMEI number : * # 06 #
7 Engineering mode: * # 2366 *
8 SN number is displayed as 16
4 Description of material compatible
Serial Flash TP LCD Camera Sub-Camera G-Senor light perception province 26M/32K
1 H9TP18A8JDMCPR_KGM Ft5336 NT35512 IMX135 OV5648 lis33dh tmd2771
2 H9TP17A8JDACNR_KGM GT915 OTM1283A OV12830 GC5004 Kxcjk / kxtf9 stk3310
3 TYD0HH251623RC ft5436 NT35590 GC2035MIPI
4 SD5D28B_16G OV5647