2015-05-22, 14:15
More and more websites these days are database-generated. Use this calculator to determine the maximum number of visitors your server can handle, starting with the amount of time it needs to generate the most database-intensive page. The calculator assumes that your server takes 100% CPU for every page.
The calculator uses the following formula's:
Visitors per day = 86400 / (SecondsPerPage * PagesPerVisitor)
Visitors per month = 86400 * 30.41 / (SecondsPerPage * PagesPerVisitor)
Maximum simultaneous visitors = 60 / SecondsPerPage
Maximum number of pages per second = 1 / SecondsPerPage
Maximum number of pages per day = 86400 / SecondsPerPage
Maximum number of pages per month = 86400 * 30.41 / SecondsPerPage